Managing Director Message
Babader Trading and Contracting Corporate has been keen since its inception in the year 1950 AD, to give its customers the utmost attention. And still until now. The company considers customers the source of its inspiration and its partners in its success path. شركة بابدر للتجارة و المقاولات منذ نشأتها بعام 1950م ، على منح عملائها أقصى اهتمامها . وما تزال حتى الآن. فالشركة تعتبر العملاء مصدر إلهامها وشركاءها في مسيرة نجاحها.
Over the years, Babader Trading and Contracting Corporate has evolved and grown to be a pioneer in the field of import and marketing inside and outside the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia through wholesale and retail sales of many dry and liquid food items (sugar, rice, oil, drinks and juices , dairy and Canned food and sweets) also hygiene items (laundry soap, dishwashing soap, hand washing molds and liquid) in addition to many different haberdashery . شركة بابدر للتجارة و المقاولات ونمت لتصبح رائـدة في مجال الاستيراد والتسويق داخل المملكة العربية السعودية من خلال مبيعات الجملة والتجزئة للعديد من المواد الغذائية الجافة والسائلة مثل (السكر، و الأرز، و الزيت ، و العصائر، و الحليب و الأغذية المعلبة و الحلويات) أيضا مواد النظافة مثل (صابون غسيل الملابس وصابون غسيل الصحون وصابون غسيل اليد القوالب والسائل ) بالإضافة إلى العديد من الخردوات المتنوعة.
Our commitment to provide the best service to our customers and the finest products with outstanding quality helped us establish the company's reputation and value in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and the Arab world. We are proud of our dealings with many distinguished partners around the world to import many of our products, and we look forward to achieving more in the future, taking into account our Islamic traditions and heritage. This is the essence of the work of Babader Trading and Contracting Corporate and the secret of its success and superiority.
Khaled Salem Babader
Managing Director